PEBC (Therapeutic) Sample Questions Set-12

Categories: PEBC Canada

Question. During the last week of classes, the University police arrive at a dormitory after receiving a call from a male student. On arrival, the police find the student locked out of his dorm room. He explains to the police that his roommate locked himself in the room and moved the furniture in front of the door because he was convinced that everyone was trying to steal his thesis. Other students confirm that the roommate has been screaming and pounding on walls for the past 3 hours. After attempting to talk the hallucinating student into opening the door, the police manage to enter the room through a window. On entering the room, they find the student to be disoriented, anxious, paranoid, and irritable. The student's pupils are not dilated. The student's speech is slurred. He has an unsteady gait, drooping eyelids, and rapid involuntary eye movements. The student who had been locked out admits that his roommate uses illicit drugs. He does not know if his roommate had used any this evening, because he went to the library to study for an examination.

Which of the following agents should the police suspect is the cause of the student's hallucinations and other symptoms?

A) Psycho mimetic stimulant like phencyclidine (PCP) overdose symptoms

B) Morphine overdose symptoms

C) Heroin overdose symptoms

D) Benzodiazepine withdrawal symptoms

E) Amitriptyline overdose symptoms


Answer: (a)


In these questions inclusive refer to the following:

JT is a 5-year-old boy who was brought to the children's hospital emergency department by his parents after spiking a fever of 41.1°C overnight. JT's mother also informs the doctors that JT has had poor food intake since his last chemotherapy. This past week, JT was treated with vincristine, high-dose cyclophosphamide, and etoposide. This cycle was week 14 of 54 of the inductionphase chemotherapy for acute lymphoblastic leukemia. JT receives chemotherapy every other week in the hospital's outpatient clinic.

Following discharge, JT returns to the oncology clinic for another round of chemotherapy with vincristine, high dose cyclophosphamide, and etoposide. The physician who normally treats JT is on vacation, so a covering physician is assigned to his case. He asks the pharmacist for assistance since she knows JT's case. Due to the high emetic potential of JT's regimen, the physician inquires if JT received antiemetic therapy. The pharmacist confirms that JT did receive antiemetics. She also informs him that JT suffers from anticipatory nausea and vomiting. The physician asks the pharmacist to recommend medications for both.

Question. What is the drug of choice for delayed nausea and vomiting

A) dexamethasone only

B) dexamethasone + metoclopramide

C) dexamethasone + ondansetron

D) dexamethasone + self care

E) ondansetron only


Answer: (d)


Question. What can she take prior to receiving his anti-cancer?

A) Prochlorperazine

B) Nabilone

C) Lorazepam

D) Droperidol

E) Dexamethasone


Answer: (c)

In these questions inclusive refer to the following:

TG, a fourth professional year pharmacy student, is completing an experiential rotation at a resort infirmary pharmacy. A first-professional-year pharmacy student approaches the pharmacy counter, asking what OTC product TG would recommend to alleviate her sunburn. TG notices that the student has visible first-degree sunburn on her face. She also has second-degree blisters on her arms and legs. When TG questions her about the sunburn, she explains that she developed the sunburn while there on vacation for spring break. She insists that she applied sun protection factor 30 sunscreen each day and would reapply the sunscreen throughout the day. She claims that she usually develops a suntan easily and rarely burns. With approval of the pharmacist, TG recommends the student use ibuprofen 3 times a day to alleviate her sunburn. When TG rings up the ibuprofen, the student asks if she can also pick up her prescription, which was transferred here because she wanted to stay a few days longer and did not bring enough medication. TG retrieves her prescription for doxycycline. When TG asks if the student has been taking the doxycycline while on vacation, she replies that she has faithfully taken the prescription to control her acne. TG suddenly realizes that the student's sunburn may be caused by the doxycycline therapy.


Question. When TG explains this, the student wants to know if she should discontinue the doxycycline. How should TG respond?

A) Continue doxycycline however, reduce dose to half

B) Before taking next dose of doxycycline, contact doctor urgently

C) Continue doxycycline, however avoid excessive sun exposure

D) Discontinue using doxycycline immediately

E) Apply sunscreen SPF 50 and take analgesics


Answer: (b)


Question. The oral contraceptive that may cause unwanted pregnancy due to poor compliance:

a) Low dose estrogen

b) Minipills

c) Biphasic pills

d) Triphasic pills

e) Monophasic pills


Answer: (b)


Question. A 52-year-old female patient on omeprazole, iron supplements, ASA, she got deep vein thrombosis, was admitted to the hospital and was given a thrombolytic agent. Next day she was discharged from the hospital and was given the following medications:

a) Continuous heparin infusion

b) Subcutaneous deltaparin

c) Subcutaneous deltaparin + warfarin

d) Warfarin

e) Warfarin + continuous heparin infusion


Answer: (c)


Question. After a while this patient develop GIT hemorrhage, you should recommend all of the following except:

a) Change deltaparin to heparin

b) Change ASA to Plavix

c) Vitamin K

Increase omeprazole dose

d) Fresh blood infusion


Answer: (a)


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