PEBC (Cardiovascular and CNS) Sample Questions
Categories: PEBC Canada
Ques. What is the target of LDL in the patient have diabetes mellitus
A) <2.2 mmol/L
B) <2.0 mmol/L
C) <1.8 mmol/L
D) 2.5 mmol/L
Answer: (b)
Ques. Which of the following patients have a high risk of Acute Coronary syndrome.
A) +ve cardiac enzyme like Troponin I
B) ST segment changes (ECG)
C) TIMI risk score>3
D) Heart failure
E) All of the above
Answer: (e)
In these questions inclusive refer to the following:
A 80 yo male with NYHA II CHF (EF 33%), purchasing Gravol for nausea, dizziness, ↓appetite x 2 wks. He thinks it is related to recent ramipril dose increases. Patient medical history include MI (past 3 yr ago), HTN (past 20 yrs), ↑lipids(x 2yrs), CHF(x 1yr), atrial fibrillation (for 10 wks). His current meds include:
Pravastatin 40mg QD (x2yrs), amiodarone 200mg QD
(x6wks), digoxin 0.25mg QD (x1yr), warfarin 5mg QD
(for a 6wks), carvedilol 25mg BID (x 1yr), HCTZ 25mg QD (x 25yrs),
Ramipril 10mg QD (↑from 5mg 2wks ago).
Ques. A patient has symptoms of heart failure at less than ordinary activity, which is defined as?
A) symptoms may appear at climbing one flight upstairs. Or walking 200 yards
B) symptoms may appear 30 minutes jogging
C) symptoms may appear after 3 to 5 times of exercise for 30 min in a week
D) None of the above
Answer: (a)
Ques. What is initial therapy for patients who have heart failure symptoms from NYHA classification 1 to IV.
A) ACE I and beta blockers
B) ARBs and beta blockers
C) Digoxin and beta blockers
D) Diuretics and beta blockers
E) Spironolactone and beta blockers
Answer: (a)
Ques. If hypothetically doctors choose to use metoprolol and enalapril to assess the tolerability. Which of the following need to be watched?
A) Shortness of breath
B) Ankle edema
C) Weakness
D) Dry or productive cough
E) Fatigue
Answer: (d)
Ques. Ted is a 55 year-old male, and a new patient to your pharmacy. 163 cm, 86 kg. He suffered a non-ST elevation myocardial infarction 1 week ago. He tells you that he had PCI in hospital, with a bare metal stent to his proximal LAD. What are the clinical features used to calculate TIMI risk score?
A) Age >65 y
B) hypertension
C) high cholesterol
D) any ASA use within 7 d
E) all of the above
Answer: (e)