PEBC (Cardiovascular and CNS) Sample Questions

Categories: PEBC Canada

Ques. Which of the following statements is true regarding clopidogrel?

a) it is an antiplatelet agent with a different mechanism of action from ticlopidine

b) it appears to be more effective than ASA in preventing ischemic stroke

c) it is more effective than warfarin in preventing stroke in atrial fibrillation

d) the incidence of neutropenia is two percent with clopidogrel

e) clopidogrel have cross sensitivity with ASA


Answer: (b)


Ques. Which of the following is TRUE about using Aspirin to reduce cardiovascular risk?

a) 81 mg/day works as well as higher doses for most indications.

b) 325 mg/day is preferred after a stent.

c) Giving Aspirin at bedtime instead of in the morning is proven to improve outcomes

d) Giving aspirin twice a day instead of once a day is proven to improve outcomes.


Answer: (a)


Ques. Which of the following statements best describes the mechanism of action of warfarin in preventing stroke?

A) it prevents clot formation by reducing certain clotting factors in the liver

b) it prevents platelet aggregation by reducing the production of thromboxane A2

c) it prevents hemorrhagic stroke by reducing bleeding time

d) it prevents prostaglandin synthesis and ultimately platelet aggregation


Answer: (a)


Ques. SD is a 91kg, 52-year old female who was recently diagnosed with mild hypertension. On the physical exam her BP was 150/94, serum creatinine was 150 umol/L, K is 4.5 mmol/L. She has been taking metformin and glicalizide for the past 4 yrs for type 2 DM.

Recommended hypertension therapy for SD if her blood pressure is?

A)  >130/80

B) <140/90

C) <125/75

D) <100/80


Answer: (a)


Ques. Complications of hypertension include damage to all of the end organs except:

a) heart

b) eyes

c) liver

d) large vessels


Answer: (c)


Ques. KJ is a 57 year old patient on glyburide 2.5 mg bid, metformin 500 mg tid, and still blood sugar is not controlled because her new lab test HbA1C 7.5%. What to do?

A) switch to insulin

B) add another medication

C) Increase glyburide dose

D) increase metformin

E) Use insulin NPH morning


Answer: (c)


Ques. MM a 45 yo male patient with prosthetic valve replacement. His doctor wants to maintain the Patient on INR 2.5 to 3.5 to avoid any clot formation. Patient was prescribed Heparin 10,000Iu and Warfarin 4mg PO qd. Currently patient is stabilized on warfarin 2.5 mg daily for the past 5 yrs. However, patient is not satisfied due to difficulty to keeping up with warfarin side effects, of nausea and maintaining dietary controls and frequent monitoring. MM have heard about new anticoagulant Dabigatran and have some questions, what is incorrect about Dabigatran?


A) Dabigatran 150 mg twice daily is more effective than warfarin

B) Dabigatran 110 mg twice daily has a better safety profile (less bleeding) than warfarin

C) Currently Dabigatran have studied only for atrial fibrillation prophylaxis

D) Dabigatran does not require regular monitoring like warfarin

E) It is safe to use in liver failure patient


Answer: (e)


Ques. MM is developed sore throat and his doctor wants to prescribe ampicillin 500 mg QID

A) Effects of warfarin may be increased resulting in increased risk of bleeding

B) Effects of warfarin may be decrease resulting in increased risk of bleeding

C) Effects of warfarin may be increased resulting in decreased risk of bleeding

D) Effects of warfarin may be decrease resulting in decreased risk of bleeding

E) Effects of warfarin may be decrease resulting do not effects on bleeding


Answer: (a)

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