PEBC (PHARMACY PRACTICE - Professional Practice Skills) Sample Questions
Categories: PEBC Canada
Ques. In an adequately powered, randomized controlled trial conducted over three years, a specific serious side effect i.e., reduction in leukocytes) with conventional therapy is seen in 0.5% of the study sample. In patients who receive a newly discovered drug, only 0.45% experience the same side effect. Based on these results, the minimum number of patients that would have to receive the new drug for three years to statistically demonstrate the prevention of one episode of this side effect in at least one patient is:
a. 15.
b. 20.
c. 150.
d. 200.
e. 2000.
Ques. In a study comparing two drug treatment regimens, a type Il error occurs when:
a. the statistical conclusion is that there is a difference between the two treatment regimens when a difference does not actually exist.
b. the statistical conclusion is that there is no difference between the two treatment regimens when a difference actually does exist.
c. the p level is > 0.05.
d. the drug treatments studied are not appropriate comparators for the disease.
e. the exclusion criteria are too restrictive.
Ques. A pharmacist has received information regarding a new drug to treat hypertension. The information is based on a two-month, placebo controlled, randomized study of 1000 adults that showed a statistically significant average decrease in systolic pressure from 160 mm Hg to 141 mm Hg and in diastolic pressure from 98 mm Hg to 86 mm Hg. The most common adverse reactions were stomach upset and dizziness. Which of the following is the most significant limitation of this study?
a. The study size was too small to assess efficacy.
b. The patients did not achieve guideline targets for hypertension.
c. Blood pressure is a surrogate outcome.
d. Long term safety and efficacy were not assessed.
e. Placebo is not an appropriate comparator.
Ques. Part G of Canada's Food and Drug Regulations deals with which of the following?
a. Vitamins and minerals
b. Pharmaceuticals
c. Controlled Drugs
d. Benzodiazepines and Targeted Substances
e. Narcotic Preparations
Ques. Which of the following is a significant barrier perceived by physicians, that impedes effective pharmacist-physician collaboration in the provision of patient care?
a. Provision of patient-specific counselling by pharmacists
b. Lack of adequate education and training of pharmacists
c. Lack of pharmacist follow up in assessing patient outcomes
d. Increased patient demands for more frequent medical appointments
e. Interruption of physician workflow due to pharmacist communications
Ques. Which of the following statements regarding a disruption in the cold chain for vaccines is correct?
a. Vaccines exposed to temperatures above the recommended range can have an increase in potency and should not be administered to any patient.
b. Vaccines exposed to temperatures below the recommended range should be labelled "do not use" and kept at room temperature until their integrity is determined.
c. Inactivated vaccines are more likely than live attenuated vaccines to have a shortened half-life when exposed to high temperatures (up to 37° C).
d. Diluents of vaccines that have been frozen can be used as they do not contain any active ingredients.
e. Vaccines containing an aluminum adjuvant experience a permanent loss of potency when subjected to freezing.