PEBC (Cardiovascular and Metabolic Syndrome) Sample Questions

Categories: PEBC Canada

Ques. MK is currently stabilized on warfarin 2.5 mg QD treatment. Which of the following drugs may decrease warfarin levels.

A) Carbamazepine

B) Clarithromycin

C) Cotrimoxazole

D) Ciprofloxacin

E) Digoxin


Answer: (a)


Ques. A patient comes to the physician with CVD. he is suffering from stress due to loss of job. His mother died due to stroke at age 62 y and father died at 59 due to heart attack. He is obese and smokes and drinks 4 daily and what is not a risk factor?

A) family history

B) smoking

C) alcohol

D) stress

E) obesity

In these questions inclusive refer to the following:


ST, is a 57-year-old male nurse who works for the local pulmonologist, arrives at work one day complaining of weakness and fatigue. He explains that these symptoms have worsened over several days. He reports feeling out of breath when walking around the office but denies having had these difficulties in the past. ST's medical history is significant for hypertension and benign prostatic hypertrophy. Three months ago he was hospitalized with a ventricular arrhythmia. His current medication regimen includes:

         Felodipine 5 mg daily

         Tamsulosin 0.4 mg daily

         Amiodarone 400 mg daily

ST denies the use of herbal products or OTC medications. He denies tobacco use but admits to social drinking. His family history is significant for hypertension. The pulmonologist for whom ST works is concerned about ST's symptoms and performs a physical examination, along with laboratory work. ST's vital signs are reported as follows:

Blood pressure, 150/95 mm Hg; heart rate, 90 beats/min, temp 98.6°F, and respiratory rate, 20 breaths/min. The exam is unremarkable, with no signs of pulmonary congestion, lower extremity edema, or signs of infection. The basic metabolic panel and complete blood count are within normal limits. The only lab result found to be outside of normal limits is an elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR). The pulmonologist is concerned that ST's medications may be causing pulmonary problems. He performs a bronchoscope to obtain a lung biopsy, which demonstrates diffuse alveolar damage and fibrosis.


Ques. What could be a pulmonologist's concern?

A) Felodipine 5 mg daily

B) Tamsulosin 0.4 mg daily

C) Amiodarone 400 mg daily

D) Blood pressure

E) Heart rate


Answer: (c)


Ques. All of the following are side effects of amiodarone EXCEPT:

A) Conjunctivitis (optic neuritis, vision changes)

B) Pulmonary fibrosis

C) Aplastic anemia

D) Liver dysfunction

E) Photophobia


Answer: (c)


Ques. Which of the following is NOT required to monitor for amiodarone?

A) Eye exam

B) Occult blood in stools

C) Persistent coughs

D) Chest x-ray

E) Peripheral skin pigmentation


Answer: (b)


In these questions inclusive refer to the following:

A 55 year-old male, new patient to your pharmacy, overweight suffered a non-ST elevation myocardial infarction 6 days ago and had PCI in hospital, bare metal stent to proximal LAD. Currently his medical conditions are hypertension, LDL 2.5mmol/L, Tchol/HDL 5.

Social history: has smoked 1 ppd x 30 years, family history: brother died of MI 6 years ago. Currently have new prescriptions: EC ASA 325 mg once daily, clopidogrel 75 mg once daily, metoprolol 50 mg bid and ramipril 2.5 mg once daily. Patients are currently using vitamin E 800 IU for the last one year, hoping to prevent any cardiovascular problems.


Ques. What are the recommended blood pressure goals for secondary prevention of Acute coronary syndrome patients.

A) 135/85

B) 140/90

C) 145/95

D) 160/85

E) 150/90


Answer: (b)


Ques. After percutaneous intervention (PCI), a stent doctor has prescribed EC ASA 325 mg once daily, clopidogrel 75 mg once daily Which of the following is NOT the common side effect of clopidogrel?

A) Joint pain (arthralgia)

B) headache

C) constipation

D) Rash

E) Diarrhea


Answer: (c)


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